
The Value of Gifts

I believe that I have this big bright loving heart inside of me (kakakaka, shadap, dont try to stop me). So I have a lot more bright loving hearts that love me back. (okay, boleh kecam sekarang).

Tutup intro.

Aku baru dapat hadiah ni. It's not even my birthday yet but this one friend of mine memang suka bagi hadiah out of occasions. So kita bagi dia extra love sikit, It was a soft toy. Baby elephant. Because I'm short and fat, I'm an elephant. Basically elephant ni symbolize me laa.. I called her a giraffe because she's tall and skinny. She's actually quite pretty. I didnt write that.

Before this elephant, there were several more I would like to share here. Random gifts she gave out of occasion and makes me feel like, cryingggg..

First, she bought me a hello kitty bottle. Actually she bought me a KitKat yang contain botol hello kitty as a gift tu. I want that bottle. Aku nak beli sendiri sebenarnya tapi dia tolong bayarkan and she refused to take my money. So, it was a gift la kan? Then she gave me Eito, a cute baby bear. Kitorang pegi bundle and this Eito caught my eyes. Again, aku nak beli, dia yang bayarkan. Why you so nice arr, akka.. Soon after, I received a mysterious pink giant teddy bear. I dont know who gave it but I nearly throw it away la sebab my mom cakap kalau xtau sape bagi jangan terima. Takut jadi macam-macam (sorry family old school but I LOVE MA MOM). But before i threw it, I give that teddy a name, Terry (as in Mystery but Terry). I love him so much it so fluffy hamaigad but have to throw it away laa kan. Nasib I didnt lagi Jahhh sebab she and my roommate finally mengaku that it was kerja diorang. My besfriend bought it. My roommate bersekongkol. So Terry is safe and sound in my room now with Ken, my other bear since form 4. In general, I love toys. In specific, I love teddy (tak kisah lah teddy bear ke teddy frog ke teddy fish ke, but wait, teddy tu memang untuk bear je eh? whatever but aku suka la patung2 soft toys ni semua).

And I loves it more, because it was from her. My super duper bestfriend. There are several people I loves most when I received any present from them. Whatever it is. My family, my boyfriend, my bestfriends and PERFECT STRANGERS (okay, boleh start hantar hadiah kat aku sekarang. Nak alamat tak? BYE). My boyfriend gave me Apollo once and I still keep pembalut Apollo tu. kakaka...

The value of the gift, aint just because it was something I loves dearly or it was expensive, but people who gave it to me, have special place in my heart. I guess that is one of the reason why I treasure this so much.

Merito is sick when I wrote this. She has fever. She dont even go to Mr Sidik class. Not even Dr Hashimah class. It was quite bad. I lost my (precious 4months baby) phone recently so I guess it was her gesture to comfort me. She bought me this elephant. I asked her to named my baby elephant as an honour but she was too sick she forgot I ever asked that maybe. So I named it myself.

I dont know if she will ever know.

This baby elephant name is Lyco. Short for Lycopersicum. In case you dont know, Lycopersicum is scientific name for TOMATO. I only have one MeriTomato in this life so I need to honour her name in one of my teddy.

Thank you for everything Merito. Get well soon. Your Mok loves ya.

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