
I Have A Dream

I have~ a dream...
A song~ to sing...
When I was a kid, my mom told me "you have a sister. But she's gone". Kekadang makcik or pakcik or even tuk Miah akan cakap pasal kakak as if she's alive. She was a bright and beautiful kid. And ada masa kalau jumpa kawan lama mak (I mean it. LAMA. Memang lama xjumpa since before kakak still ada), mereka akan cakap "anak u dah gelap sekarang. Dulu putih sangat. Selalu main outdoor ke?" (Yang putih tu....kakak). Kakak meninggal masa umur 2 tahun plus.. Sebab kebakaran. But those 2 years with them, she gave a great impact on people around her.. My mom, my dad. Even my brother. So I made one impossible request (not of the year or the decade but..) of the LIFE!! EVER!!

"O Allah, bring back my sister to life."

I, once, crying, begging and praying to Allah, bring her back.. Kerja gila ke hape entah pegi minta macam tu?? Bila teringat balik, it was a touching memory la bagi aku. I was a kid yang nak sangat kenal kakak dia.. I know now, everything happen for a reason.. Tuhan sayang dia.. And by HIM taking her back so early, tak bermaksud kami semua hilang dia. Dia still ada. Dalam hati. Tengah tunggu kami semua kat sana.

Mak selalu pesan dekat aku and adik-adik. "Kalau nak jumpa kakak, kena jadi budak baik. Sebab kakak tu ahli syurga. Dia mati masa kecil. Kita ni tak pasti lagi. Tapi berusahalah.."
Tricky way untuk shape kami jadi better person but its actually worked.

 I never had a chance to say this but always know I do.
"Kakak, i love u."

I never met you kakak. But I know you once, here. I feel your present in mom's story. I know you could be a great sister for us.. And if you still alive, you probably the prettiest sister in the world. I miss you.


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